What is GFC Treatment?

To get the most out of healthy hair, we also recommend the GFC hair treatment or Growth Factor Concentrate procedure. By using your own blood, the treatment uses a highly concentrated growth factor preparation that can be injected in the scalp and neck to promote hair growth. This is one of the most trusted dermatological procedures available today for hair restoration.
The GFC treatment for hair relies on obtaining several growth factors from your blood. These include platelet-derived growth factors, epidermal growth factors, insulin-like growth factors and even vascular endothelial growth factors. To administer this procedure, your dermatologist will,

- Take around 16 ml of your blood.
- Take around 40-50 minutes to derive the growth factor and prepare the GFC treatment for hair.
- The final output will have 7-8 ml of GFC hair treatment that will be injectable.


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